Being a new starter in a company is always exciting, nerve-racking and challenging. Especially when it is your first job after university! This is the position I found myself in 1 week before the shock COVID lockdown.
There is a lot of talk about new ways of working, flex working, remote, four-day weeks etc, but the one thing that is very often overlooked is how many hours we work.
Ever wondered what happens during a clinical trial? Join Brooke and Dr Liz Walder as they explain all things medical…in plain English.
In order to bring our best selves to work, the Cuttsy+Cuttsy team have undertaken some personality profiling over the last 12 months. I’ve since become obsessed with personality tests and profiles of all varieties!
Cuttsy+Cuttsy are going to be at the Patients as Partners Europe Conference in London, January 2020.
Last month, the ABPI released a much-in-demand document: The Working with Patients and Patient Organisations sourcebook.
Early starts, late finishes, no lunch breaks and no work-life balance. Sound familiar? Not at Cuttsy+Cuttsy.
How do we build trust between patients and pharma?
The changing landscape of pharma conferences.