We are the original patient communications agency and we specialise in...

Clinical trial engagement

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Healthcare communications

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As the original patient communications agency, we know how important clinical trial engagement and healthcare communications are for your patients, the HCPs you collaborate with, and ultimately your brand and organisation. Which is why we invested in patient engagement and centricity many years ago and continue to do so today. Back then, our insights told us we were onto something.

And now?

Well, uncovering perceptive insights, building robust strategies, and developing action-inspiring communications is still how we do it. It’s how we’ve been supporting clients since 2011 and why we’re a valued agency partner.

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Integrating ‘patient first’ into medicine development

Our latest report collates all the current best thinking in the ‘patient first’ space, distilling it into a practical and actionable road map for future clinical trial progress.  

So, if you work in the clinical trial space, or have an interest in medicine development, this is one for you.

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What matters to us

Accessibility & inclusion

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Cuttsy Cares

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User engagement

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Trusted information

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